Dr. José Torres Jiménez
I. Datos Generales | |
Nombre: | Dr. José Torres Jiménez |
Página personal: | Enlace |
Escolaridad: | Doctor en Ciencias de la Computación (1997) ITESM-Campus Morelos. Cuernavaca, Mor. México |
Posición y categoría actual: | Investigador Cinvestav 3C |
Nivel SNII: | III |
Temas de investigación | Optimización combinatoria. Bases de datos. Covering Arrays |
E-mail: |
II. Productos de Investigación o Desarrollo |
Cartesian product of sets without repeated elements, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Lara-Alvarez, Carlos Cobos-Lozada, Roberto Blanco-Rocha, Alfredo Cardenas-Castillo, “Information Sciences” 570, 517-525, 2021 Covering array Extender, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Brenda Acevedo-Juárez, Himer Avila-George, “Applied Mathematics and Computation” 402, 126122, 2021 Detecting Conflicts in Collaborative Learning through the Valence Change of Atomic Interactions, Germán Lescano, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Rosanna Costaguta, Analia Amandi, Carlos Lara-Alvarez, “Expert Systems with Applications”, 115291, 2021 Three Representations for Set Partitions, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Lara-Alvarez, Alfredo Cardenas-Castillo, Roberto Blanco-Rocha, Oscar Puga-Sanchez “IEEE Access” 9, 34604-34625, 2021 Improved covering arrays using covering perfect hash families with groups of restricted entries, “APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2020 New covering array numbersm, “Applied Mathematics and Computation”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2019 A low spatial complexity algorithm to generate combinations with the strong minimal change property, “DISCRETE MATHEMATICS ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2019 mproved covering arrays using covering perfect hash families with groups of restricted entries,”APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2020 New covering array numbersm,”Applied Mathematics and Computation”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2019 A low spatial complexity algorithm to generate combinations with the strong minimal change property “DISCRETE MATHEMATICS ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2019 Wrapper for Building Classification Models Using Covering Arrays, “IEEE ACCESS”, Hugo Dorado, Carlos Cobos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Dharani Dhar Burra, Martha Mendoza, Daniel Jimenez, 2019 A business process clustering algorithm using incremental covering arrays to explore search space and balanced Bayesian information criterion to evaluate quality of solutions, “PLOS ONE”, Hugo Ordonez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Cobos, Armando Ordonez, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Gildardo Maldonado-Martinez, 2019 A greedy algorithm to construct covering arrays using a graph representation, “Information Sciences”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Jose Carlos Perez-Torres, 2019 Methods to Construct Uniform Covering Arrays, “IEEE ACCESS”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Himer Avila-George, 2019 Binary Test-Suites Using Covering Arrays, “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Himer Avila-George, Ezra Federico Parra-Gonzalez, 2018 A multiobjective bilevel approach based on global-best harmony search for defining optimal routes and frequencies for bus rapid transit systems, “Applied Soft Computing”, Edgar Ruano-Daza Carlos Cobos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Martha Mendoza, Alexander Paz, 2018 A greedy-metaheuristic 3-stage approach to construct covering arrays, “Information Sciences”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Brenda Acevedo-Juárez, Himer Avila-George, 2018 Search-based software engineering for constructing covering arrays, “IET Software”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Himer Avila-George, 2018 New optimal covering arrays using an orderly algorithm, “Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2018 Wrapper for Building Classification Models Using Covering Arrays, “IEEE ACCESS”, Hugo Dorado, Carlos Cobos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Dharani Dhar Burra, Martha Mendoza, Daniel Jimenez, 2019 A business process clustering algorithm using incremental covering arrays to explore search space and balanced Bayesian information criterion to evaluate quality of solutions, “PLOS ONE”, Hugo Ordonez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Carlos Cobos, Armando Ordonez, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Gildardo Maldonado-Martinez, 2019 A greedy algorithm to construct covering arrays using a graph representation, “Information Sciences”, Jose Torres-Jimenez Jose Carlos Perez-Torres, 2019 Methods to Construct Uniform Covering Arrays, “IEEE ACCESS”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Himer Avila-George, 2019 Binary Test-Suites Using Covering Arrays, “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Himer Avila-George, Ezra Federico Parra-Gonzalez, 2018 A multiobjective bilevel approach based on global-best harmony search for defining optimal routes and frequencies for bus rapid transit systems, “Applied Soft Computing”, Edgar Ruano-Daza Carlos Cobos, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Martha Mendoza, Alexander Paz, 2018 A greedy-metaheuristic 3-stage approach to construct covering arrays, “Information Sciences”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Brenda Acevedo-Juárez, Himer Avila-George, 2018 Search-based software engineering for constructing covering arrays, “IET Software”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Himer Avila-George, 2018 New optimal covering arrays using an orderly algorithm, “Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications”, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2018 Improved pairwise test suites for non-prime-power orders, “IET SOFTWARE”, Himer Avila-George, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2018 A Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Construct Covering Perfect Hash Families, “Mathematical Problems in Engineering”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2018 Covering arrays of strength three from extended permutation vectors, “Designs, Codes, and Cryptography”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2017 A two-stage algorithm for combinatorial testing, “Optimization Letters”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Himer Avila-George, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2017 hClique: An exact algorithm for maximum clique problem in uniform hypergraphs, “Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Jose Carlos Perez-Torres, Gildardo Maldonado-Martinez, 2017 A graph-based postoptimization approach for covering arrays, “Quality and Reliability Engineering International”, Jose Carlos Perez-Torres, Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2017 Optimal shortening of uniform covering arrays, “PLOS ONE”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Himer Avila-George, Oscar Carrizalez-Turrubiates, 2017 Near-optimal algorithm to count occurrences of subsequences of a given length, “Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Daniel Ramirez-Acuna, Rene Peralta, 2017 Metaheuristic post-optimization of the NIST repository of covering arrays, “Transactions on Intelligence Technology”, ARTURO RODRIGUEZ-CRISTERNA, JOSE TORRES-JIMENEZ, 2017 Construction of non-isomorphic covering arrays, “Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, 2016 Tower of covering arrays, “Discrete Applied Mathematics”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Raghu N. Kacker, D. Richard Kuhn, 2015 A grouping genetic algorithm with controlled gene transmission for the bin packing problem, “Computers and Operations Research”, Marcela Quiroz-Castellanos, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Claudia S. Gomez, Hector J. Fraire Huacuja, Adriana C. F. Alvin, 2015 A dual representation simulated annealing algorithm for the bandwidth minimization problem on graphs, “Information Sciences”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Idelfonso Izquierdo-Marquez, Alberto Garcia-Robledo, Aldo Gonzalez-Gomez, Javier Bernal, Raghu N. Kacker Combinatorial analysis of diagonal, box, and greater-than polynomials as packing functions, “Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences”, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Raghu N. Kacker, James F. Lawrence, 2015 An efficient FPGA architecture for integer nth root computation, “International Journal of Electronics”, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Jose Hugo Barron-Zambrano, Cesar Torres-Huitzil, Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2015 SAGRAD: A Program for Neural Network Training with Simulated Annealing and the Conjugate Gradient Method, “JOURNAL OF RESEARCH OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY”, Javier Bernal, Jose Torres-Jimenez, 2015
III. Proyectos investigación y/o de vinculación |
Proyecto : Métodos Exactos Para Construir Covering Arrays Óptimos Clave: 238469 Vigencia: 17/04/2015 Finiquito dado el 28/02/2020. Responsable: Dr. José Torres Jiménez Agencia de Financiamiento: CONACYT Ciencia Básica
Proyecto: Cálculo de covering arrays Clave: 58554 Vigencia: 17/07/2007 al 16/07/2010. (Prórroga al 19/08/2013) Responsable: Dr. José Torres Jiménez Agencia de Financiamiento: CONACYT Ciencia Básica
Proyecto: Consultoría sobre pruebas de interacción de software Vigencia: Diciembre 2011 – Abril 2012. Responsable: Dr. José Torres Jiménez. Tipo de proyecto: Servicios de asesoría, consultoría y desarrollo tecnológico. Empresa: SVAM International de México, S. A. de R. L.
IV. Formación de Recursos Humanos |
Idelfonso Izquierdo Márquez, “Clasificación de Covering Arrays”, Director: Dr. José Torres Jiménez, 5 de abril de 2019, Doctor en Ciencias en Computación José Carlos Pérez Torres, “Construcción de Covering Arrays en el Dominio de Grafos”, Director: Dr. José Torres Jiménez, 6 de octubre 2017, Maestro en Ciencias en Computación Gildardo Maldonado Martínez, “Generalización de la Construcción de Vectores Inicializadores”, Director: Dr. José Torres Jiménez, 27 de octubre 2017, Maestro en Ciencias en Computación