Seminario "Robótica"
Profesor: Ernesto Olguín Díaz
Título: Robótica No Inercial
Resumen: Se trata de robots móviles impulsados ya sea por ruedas, patas o impulsores tipo propelas o rotores; como robots aéreos, submarinos, bípedos, etc.
Tienes un gran número de grados de libertad por movimientos relativos del sistema mecánico más una componente de un referencial "raiz" a apartir del cual se miden estas variables relativas.
El referencial raíz relaciona las propiedades inerciales (Newton, Lagrange, Hamilton, Kirchhoff) con las variables relativas no inerciales, pero rara vez es accionado, por lo que estos sistemas son generalmente subaccionados.
Profesor: Gustavo Arechavaleta Servín
Título: From Robot Motion Planning to Human Movement Understanding
Abstract: In this talk I briefly survey our research activities related to robot motion planning (MP). The focus is on the algorithmic solutions of simple and complex problem. I will describe some variations of MP that arise in grasping and part manipulation, disassembly test in manufacturing, cooperative manipulation tasks, and humanoid robotics among others.
Then, I will present some results on the generation of human walking paths based on the exploration of the underlying sensorimotor principles of human voluntary movements such as reaching and locomotion. Finally, I will give some concluding remarks on the transferring motion skills problem.
Profesor: Vicente Parra Vega
Título: Human Centered Robotics
Abstract: Recent developments in robotics has open the possibility of dealing seemingly with interaction of human users with a robot system so as to play the human a central role into the whole robotic system, not only to command in a supervisory level the whole system. In this way, human centered robotics study issues and problems arising when the robot has to operate cooperatively with a non-professional human user environment directly.
In this talk we highlight our interests in this area, in particular on haptic interfaces to merge vision and touch with the associated problems on computer graphic renderization and human robot physical interaction to allow contact tasks, including in co-simulation, within a cognitive architecture, among others research problems.
Profesor: Francisco Ruíz Sánchez
Título: Sinergia de Control e Inteligencia Computacional para Robots Colaborativos Autónomos